Co-Benefits of Reforestation
When you buy reforestation, you support more reforestation.
Direct Air Capture delivers carbon on small scale impact for big dollars per metric ton, while Reforestation delivers so much more. So what are the co-benefits of reforestation?
Meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, all United Nations Member States adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals to be accomplished by 2030. The UN describes these goals as: “An urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global partnership.”
Study after study shows that forests are the most viable, cost-effective means for fighting climate change now and in the future. They not only help us protect our planet, but the act of scaling our reforestation efforts through our unique model helps us build resilient communities, support biodiversity and wildlife, and provide jobs. An action that you take now to support reforestation through GreenTrees will have a longstanding impact on the earth for generations to come. While reforestation may only be one component of your company’s commitment to sustainability, we believe that it may be the most effective one.
Going Above and Beyond the SDGs
Resources and Guides
These resources and guides provide a comprehensive understanding of the co-benefits of reforestation. These guides highlight the environmental impact of reforestation, such as carbon sequestration and biodiversity enhancement. They also offer practical advice on implementing successful reforestation projects, focusing on the socio-economic benefits like job creation and community development.
USDA Southern Research Station Forest Resources of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley
Restoration Ecology Vol. 10 Avian Response to Bottomland Hardwood Reforestation: The First 10 Years
University of Missouri-Columbia Bottomland Hardwood Establishment and Avian Colonization of Reforested Sites in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley
USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center Synergy of Agroforestry and Bottomland Hardwood Afforestation
Reforestation for Neotropical Migrants Bottomland Hardwood Reforestation for Neotropical Migratory Birds: Are We Missing the Forest for the Trees?